Mark Bodnarczuk

Mark Bodnarczuk is the founder and executive director of the Breckenridge Institute®, a management consulting firm that focuses on organizational and personal transformation in high-tech research organizations. He is also an institutional program manager in the director’s office of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford University. At Stanford, Mark provides organizational development and leadership development services to SLAC’s senior and middle managers on both the scientific and mission-support sides of the laboratory. He has a BA (Religion) from Mid-America Nazarene University, an MA (Theology) from Wheaton College, and an AM (Philosophy of Science) from the University of Chicago. Mark is the author of more than forty articles and four books, including Diving In: Discovering Who You Are in the Second Half of Life.


The Tension between Recent Loss and Future Vision

May 16, 2024, would have been my son Thomas’s twenty-second birthday. But instead of candles on a chocolate cake that my wife Elin has baked – Thomas’s favorite – we […]

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